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Kevin Schreiber


Kevin Schreiber headshot

Kevin was born in upstate New York in a picturesque village on the Hudson but soon after matriculated to the mid-west as part of an early sixties VW bus transcendental road trip. The family settled in the river town of Louisville and later found their way to the metropolis of Floyds Knobs, Indiana. As a OG partner in the Kentucky office since 2006, he is involved in site selection and market analysis for national, regional, and start-up retailers, as well as landlord services. Kevin received a liberal arts degree from Hanover College.

What To Know
Kevin's non-work interests are both eclectic and wide ranging from a rollicking game of Shinty, creating a velvety velouté, rockin' the suburbs, attending plays on Broadway or enjoying the bounty of high proof spirits native to the region. A proficient chef, an avid reader of all genres and like a fine cabaret is only getting better with age.
Retail Rewind

Favorite Retail Store as a Child
Will aways remember once a month we'd hitch ole’Prudence to the wagon and head into town to the Woolworth sody pop fountain and my sister and I got to share a Egg Cream before we had to go home and slop the pig sty.